

“我们感谢客户给予我们的评价,并选择 Offer18 作为他们的最佳绩效营销平台。”

Awards & Achievements


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Yahoo Finance
Business Wire
Financial Market News
Hindustan Times
Icrowd Newswire
Martech Sheries
Software Suggest

奖项 2024

High Performer
Highest User Adoption Summer
Fastest Implementation


In the G2 Summer 2024 Awards, Offer18 performed exceptionally well, winning three distinguished titles: G2 High Performer, G2 Highest User Adoption, and G2 Fastest Implementation.
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Best Est ROI


Offer18 has brought home some prestigious awards in the Best Est ROI, Fastest Implementation, and High Performer, Awards categories. This showcase achievement undeniably demonstrates our expertise in the field of affiliate marketing.
World Future Award
Happiest Users
Quality Choice
Category Leader
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Best Estimated ROI


Offer18 自豪地成为五重奖得主,赢得了备受尊敬的 G2 奖项。这些奖项突显了 Offer18 致力于突破行业界限并设定行业新标准的决心。

奖项 2023

Best Est. ROI Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2
Momentum leader


Offer18 has been conferred with 5 Awards: Best Est.ROI, Fastest Implementation, High Performer Asia Pacific, High Performer and Momentum Leader Awards. With this, we make the cut in affiliate marketing realm.
Easiest admin
Easiest to use
Fastest implementation
High Performer
Momentum leader


Offer18 在 g2 春季大奖中被公认为动力领导者和高性能者,同时也因其在竞争对手中最容易使用而受到称赞。
user most likely to recommend
Easiest To Use
Fastest Implementation
Happiest Users
High Performer
Quality Choice



奖项 2022

Best Est. ROI Award by G2
Easiest Setup Award by G2
Easiest to Use Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2


High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Easiest To Use
Easiest Setup
Best Est. ROI
Users Love Us


最佳实施和设置帐户。”- G2 夏季高性能奖
Users Most Likely To Recommend
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Easiest To Use
Easiest Setup
Best Estimated ROI


“强烈推荐给任何想要在联属营销领域站稳脚跟的人。” - #1 评论网站
Best Usability
Best Estimated ROI
Best Support
Easiest Setup
Easiest To Use
Happies Users
Quality Choice
Fastest Implementation
High Performer
Users Love Us
Users Most Likely To Recommend


多渠道 24/7 全天候客户支持无与伦比 - g2 屡获殊荣的最佳支持

奖项 2021

Best Est. ROI Award by G2
Best Support Award by G2
Easiest Admin Award by G2
Easiest Setup Award by G2
Easiest to use Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2
Users Most likely to Recommend Award By G2


可靠的报告、无缝的 API 集成和合作支持有助于获得 G2 顶级奖项
High Performer
Easiest Admin
Fastest Implementation
Easiest Setup
Users Most Likely To Recommend
Best Ext. ROI
Best Support
Easiest To Use
Users Love Us


用户喜欢我们最容易设置的平台,并使其成为 g2 最有可能推荐的软件
Easiest To Use Award By G2
Best Support Award By G2
Easiest Setup Award By G2
Users Most likely to Recommend Award By G2
Higher Performer Award By G2
Best Est. ROI Award By G2
Easiest Admin Spring Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award By G2
Quality Choice Award By Crozedesk
Happiest Users Award By Crozedesk
Best Support Services Award by Software Suggest
Best Meet Requirement Award by Software Suggest


被首席软件分析师和专家 Crozdesk 评为用户最满意的优质选择
High Performer Award by G2
Easiest Admin Access Award by G2
Best Value for Money Award by G2
Ease of Use Award by G2
Best Customer support Award by G2
Faster Implementation Award by G2



奖项 2020

Quality Choice Award by Crozdesk
Happiest Users Award by Crozdesk
Customer Choice Awards by Software Suggest
Best Value Award by Software Suggest


“出色的客户支持、先进的功能和易于使用的界面使 Offer18 成为客户的选择”- 软件建议


组织不断迁移到 Offer18 并说明为什么他们研究其他替代方案。

Rapidmile Business Solution Pvt Ltd has over four years of experience providing end-to-end affiliate marketing and business support services. It's impressive that they offer API design, building, publishing, and management services all in one place,
TwyntyOne Media & Advertising firm is Asia's premier new-age performance marketing agency. It is an intellectual powerhouse of the stupendous team with more than 5 years of industry experience. The team is consummate in whatever they do and possesse
Trance Media is an all-in-one affiliate marketing platform with a highly experienced team. It boasts of empowering its clients with customized advertising solutions designed and developed based on its customers' vision. Recently, we had an in-depth
Paazoo Digital is a self-served brand agency that leverages digital solutions to help brands reach digital users. It offers a personalized media plan by considering the client's goals. Being excellent at all strategies, it facilitates advertisers' f
Igknights Media (OPC) Private Limited is a premium mobile agency and user acquisition network based out of India. It provides traffic on CPI, CPT, VAS, CPL, and Gaming (Casino and RMG) verticals. Before starting this company, Abhishek Kapadia, founde
Affilienet strive to bring quality leads by directly connecting publishers and advertisers, thereby facilitating a relationship where both parties can benefit and obtain maximum results. Results Reduced cost of tracking Fraudulent click prevention C
AdsFactory is a leading affiliate network, providing services in mobile and desktop vertices. AdsFactory is helping brands to increase return on ads spend and publisher in utilizing their inventory effectively. Results Great satisfaction Unique tool
Adzicon has helped several brands reach out to their target customers and attain a significant level of conversion due to our easy and effective advertising practices. Results Cost efficient advertising. All-encompassing advertisement solution Great