Unify Your Affiliate Activities with Offer18’s
plataforma de marketing de rendimiento

Designed to help affiliates, advertisers, and ad networks better track, optimize, and measure the performance of their networks. Our affiliate performance marketing software provides the ultimate tools for success.

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What Do You Get With Offer18

Your Award-Winning performance marketing solution is designed to track performance advertising with user activity data. Track and manage all the affiliate campaigns, the clicks, conversions, app installations, and the number of generated leads.

With advanced features like Anti-Fraud, Offer Automation, Link Tester, Smart Offer, and Powerful Offer Sync API, Offer18 ensures you won't receive fake conversions, spam clicks, and malicious activities during the affiliate campaign. Stay on top of the growing affiliate marketing trends, and use Offer18 as your main partner marketing software.

Achieve Better Results with our Optimized Features

Leverage AI-driven insights to optimize your performance and partner marketing efforts. Maintain a competitive edge with the most up-to-date features in the industry. Streamline your marketing operations with features designed to boost efficiency and effectiveness using an extensive campaign performance dashboard.

Tracking analytics

seguimiento y análisis

Track beyond geographical analytics to include multiple partners and languages. Ensure your affiliate campaign reaches out to the right audience while improving ROI.

Anit fraud

mecanismo antifraude

Integrated anti-fraud features detect and prevent malicious traffic and clicks, ensuring you get the most out of your performance advertising. Embrace our affiliate marketing attribution software and never let fraud go unnoticed.



Offer18 continuously develops and improves the automated capabilities of the performance marketing software, making it a true partner in your affiliate and performance marketing management while maintaining the cost.


etiqueta blanca

Manage your affiliate network effectively, but also offer a white-label solution to your partners that matches their ongoing performance marketing efforts.

soluciones de marketing de rendimiento
para todos los negocios

As performance marketing management software, Offer18 covers various industries that benefit most from this approach. From affiliate networks to agencies and independent businesses, leveraging Offer18 ensures consistent results and ongoing growth for:

redes de afiliados
rastrear y medir el desempeño comercial y llevar el proceso de la red de afiliados al siguiente nivel con una sola plataforma.

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Nuestra plataforma facilita la colaboración con editores directos y el formato de rápida integración ayuda a las agencias a integrarse completamente con sus anunciantes.

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comercio electrónico
recopile y analice datos de todas las áreas que afectan el rendimiento de su tienda en línea y utilícelos para descubrir el comportamiento del consumidor para mejorar los resultados de ventas.

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migración instantánea

Con nosotros tiene acceso a muchas herramientas y funciones para que el proceso de migración sea lo más sencillo y sin complicaciones posible.


Colaboramos con nuevos socios y desarrollamos integraciones continuamente. apoya el éxito de los clientes mutuos.

Atención al cliente

Muchas organizaciones reconocen a Offer18 como líder en servicios de atención al cliente.


Es fundamental revisar la tecnología, mejorar los procesos y capacitar a los miembros del equipo durante la incorporación.

Take Your Performance Marketing to New Heights

¡Creemos en nuestro mayor activo, el cliente! por lo tanto, tratar a cada cliente como si fuera especial es una de nuestras estrategias premiadas. ayuda a la red a mejorar la participación del cliente y garantizar su lealtad.


Las organizaciones siguen migrando para ofrecer18 y declaran por qué buscaron otras alternativas.

Rapidmile Business Solution Pvt Ltd has over four years of experience providing end-to-end affiliate marketing and business support services. It's impressive that they offer API design, building, publishing, and management services all in one place,
With more than three years of experience in affiliate marketing, Elakrity International specializes in direct in-app traffic. At Elakrity International, the team works on the latest techniques for reaching active users and fruitfully engaging them.
TwyntyOne Media & Advertising firm is Asia's premier new-age performance marketing agency. It is an intellectual powerhouse of the stupendous team with more than 5 years of industry experience. The team is consummate in whatever they do and possesse
Trance Media is an all-in-one affiliate marketing platform with a highly experienced team. It boasts of empowering its clients with customized advertising solutions designed and developed based on its customers' vision. Recently, we had an in-depth
Paazoo Digital is a self-served brand agency that leverages digital solutions to help brands reach digital users. It offers a personalized media plan by considering the client's goals. Being excellent at all strategies, it facilitates advertisers' f
Igknights Media (OPC) Private Limited is a premium mobile agency and user acquisition network based out of India. It provides traffic on CPI, CPT, VAS, CPL, and Gaming (Casino and RMG) verticals. Before starting this company, Abhishek Kapadia, found
Affilienet strive to bring quality leads by directly connecting publishers and advertisers, thereby facilitating a relationship where both parties can benefit and obtain maximum results. Results Reduced cost of tracking Fraudulent click prevention C
AdsFactory is a leading affiliate network, providing services in mobile and desktop vertices. AdsFactory is helping brands to increase return on ads spend and publisher in utilizing their inventory effectively. Results Great satisfaction Unique tool

Nuestros premios demuestran la excelencia, ¡nosotros no!

"Estamos agradecidos por todos nuestros usuarios que nos han honrado al compartir sus opiniones y elegir a Offer18 como su socio de marketing de rendimiento".


nuestra calificación promedio


clientes felices en todo el mundo


puntuación de satisfacción del cliente

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Frequently Asked Questions

El software de marketing para socios facilita la colaboración entre las empresas y sus socios o afiliados. ayuda a gestionar y optimizar campañas de marketing, realizar un seguimiento del rendimiento y optimizar las asociaciones.
Offer18 proporciona una plataforma integral para gestionar campañas de marketing de socios. le ayuda a optimizar sus programas de afiliados, realizar un seguimiento del rendimiento y maximizar el retorno de la inversión. Con funciones como informes y análisis en tiempo real, permite a las empresas tomar decisiones informadas e impulsar sus esfuerzos de marketing.
Sí, Offer18 ofrece capacidades de integración, lo que permite una integración perfecta con el dominio de su empresa. esto garantiza una experiencia de marca coherente para sus usuarios y socios.
Offer18 comprende la importancia de la migración de datos. puede realizar la transición a Offer18 sin perder sus valiosos datos. Es probable que la plataforma brinde apoyo y orientación durante todo el proceso de migración para garantizar una transición sin problemas.
Offer18 prioriza la seguridad de sus datos. Es probable que empleemos medidas de seguridad estándar de la industria, como cifrado y protocolos seguros, para salvaguardar su información. Puede confiar en que sus datos se manejan con cuidado y confidencialidad.
Performance marketing is a subset of digital marketing focused on campaigns where advertisers pay based on specific actions, such as clicks, leads, or sales. Unlike general digital marketing, which may include broader strategies like brand awareness, performance marketing aims directly at measurable outcomes, ensuring precise ROI tracking and optimization.
Performance marketing management tools are software solutions designed to help advertisers, affiliates, and ad networks track, analyze, and optimize their marketing campaigns. These tools offer features such as real-time analytics, conversion tracking, fraud detection, and campaign optimization, enabling users to maximize their return on investment and improve campaign performance.
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance marketing where affiliates earn commissions by promoting a company's products or services and driving specific actions, like sales or leads. While affiliate marketing focuses specifically on partnerships with individual marketers, performance marketing encompasses a broader range of strategies and channels aimed at achieving measurable results.
Performance marketing works by setting clear, measurable goals, such as clicks, leads, or sales, and paying for these specific actions. Advertisers create targeted campaigns, and performance is tracked in real time using sophisticated tracking tools. This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization, ensuring that marketing efforts yield the highest possible return on investment.