Impact of Automating Marketing and Sales Processes

Impact of Automating Marketing and Sales Processes

Studies show that the marketing automation software industry is one of the fastest-growing industries, with yearly growth of over 20%. This rapid growth is mainly due to the quick adoption of marketing and sales automation tools by business owners that are finding them beneficial when it comes to improving their daily sales and marketing workflows.

In today’s article, we will discuss the impact automation can create on the sales and marketing processes of a business. By the end of this article, you should have a clear idea of why companies need to adopt marketing and sales automation.

1. Automation makes good use of data to make smarter decisions

Big data is one of the buzzwords that are pretty common in tech circles today. Businesses that have the tools to leverage the huge amounts of data at their disposal have a higher chance of making smarter decisions. Marketing and sales automation tools have machine learning capabilities that enable them to make better decisions the more data that is exposed to them.

One of the most common applications of automation is lead ranking. Marketing automation tools rank leads based on how they have been interacting with the business’ web resources within a given period. Ranking leads based on their likelihood to close will save the sales and marketing teams a lot of time they could have wasted on unserious leads.

2. Automation enables a personalized customer journey

One of the tested methods for easily converting a website’s visitors into loyal customers is personalizing their experience whenever they interact with any of the business’ web resources. With marketing and sales automation tools, a business can streamline the experience of their website visitors based on their previous activities on the site and other web resources.

3. Saves time and money

One of the huge impacts noticed when you adopt marketing and sales automation tools is the elimination of several repetitive sales and marketing tasks. This will give the sales and marketing teams a lot of time to handle tasks that require human judgment and critical thinking. In the long run, this will boost the overall productivity of the teams, which will save the business money.

4. Generating and nurturing more leads

According to a study by McKinsey & Company, about 30% of sales tasks, including pipeline management, following up, and scheduling appointments can be automated. These tasks are very crucial in lead generation and nurturing. So, automating them will ensure they are executed at the right time, leading to the generation and nurturing of more leads.

5. It improves the relationship between sales and marketing teams

Sales and marketing teams work hand-in-hand to ensure the company gets more paying customers. When using automation tools, the marketing team will be able to send more qualified leads to the sales team. Dealing with more qualified leads makes the work of the sales team much easier, hence reducing their complaints about the marketing team sending them unqualified leads. At the end of the day, this strengthens the bond between the two teams.

To put it all together

It would not be wrong to say that Automation in marketing and sales is a way of streamlining which makes it smooth and efficient by utilizing less time and resources. If you want to generate more leads and use your data in the right way then automation is the best key to unlocking the growth of your business!

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